Altruistic project for human edification of Polyphonic Genomics, LLC, AI Whisperer, builder of "One Godism AI (GPT-4)" (published) and compiler of "Encyclopedic Conversations with One Godism AI (GPT-4), an Artificial General Intelligence" (unpublished).

NOTE: Scriptural chapter pages republished with permission of "One God Trust," online publisher of "One God Book" and "One God Book Concordance" since 2011.


New Testament for Composers (Emotive Commentary and 4-Part Chorale, Piano Solo, String Quartet Structure)

Tao Te Ching for Composers (Emotive Commentary and 4-Part Chorale, Piano Solo, String Quartet Structure)

Bhagavad Gita for Composers (Emotive Commentary and 4-Part Chorale, Piano Solo, String Quartet & Piano Quintet Structure)

Psalms for Composers (Emotive Commentary & Piano Solo Structure)